We would like to thank you for visiting our congregation's website!
Thank you for visiting our website. We are a small congregation (consisting of about thirty-five members) located in southwestern Iowa, five miles from the Missouri-Iowa border line. We have a strong desire to work for the Lord.
For those who are not familiar with our little area, Davis City is a small town of a little over 200 people, but we are six miles from Lamoni (2,336) which is a college town and ten miles from Leon (1,914). If you are driving on I-35 (Interstate 35 runs from Kansas City, MO to Des Moines, IA), we are located at exit four and we are five miles east from the Interstate. Geographically, we are located four miles from the Missouri border and 100 miles north of Kansas City. The closest congregation to us is the Eagleville Church of Christ. We have had people show interest in the church and we believe there is opportunity to grow.
We have an annual one-day meeting every third week of August, an annual one-day VBS, an annual Spring Meeting and an annual Ladies Day. We have Bible Class at Davis City on Sunday Morning's @ 11:00 AM and Wednesday Night @ 6:30 PM with worship scheduled Sunday Mornings @ 10:00 AM. We welcome and encourage all to join us! We help with the support of Michael Richardson as a full-time missionary, who also helps the congregation. We do not have an eldership, but the men of the congregation are spiritual-minded. Albert Hadlock is our full-time minister.
For those who are not familiar with our little area, Davis City is a small town of a little over 200 people, but we are six miles from Lamoni (2,336) which is a college town and ten miles from Leon (1,914). If you are driving on I-35 (Interstate 35 runs from Kansas City, MO to Des Moines, IA), we are located at exit four and we are five miles east from the Interstate. Geographically, we are located four miles from the Missouri border and 100 miles north of Kansas City. The closest congregation to us is the Eagleville Church of Christ. We have had people show interest in the church and we believe there is opportunity to grow.
We have an annual one-day meeting every third week of August, an annual one-day VBS, an annual Spring Meeting and an annual Ladies Day. We have Bible Class at Davis City on Sunday Morning's @ 11:00 AM and Wednesday Night @ 6:30 PM with worship scheduled Sunday Mornings @ 10:00 AM. We welcome and encourage all to join us! We help with the support of Michael Richardson as a full-time missionary, who also helps the congregation. We do not have an eldership, but the men of the congregation are spiritual-minded. Albert Hadlock is our full-time minister.